agency supporting adults with developmental disabilities
Your Generosity Can Change Lives
Community Living Stratford and Area and the services we provide are funded by a combination of government support, corporate sponsorship, fundraising events and individual gifts.
The need for our services continues to grow, while the funding does not. Gifts, sponsorships and memorial bequests are much-needed and always welcome.
Individual Gifts
All your gifts help enhance quality-of-life for people with developmental disabilities.
Individual gifts have provided:
You can make a tax-free donation easily through Canada Help.
Thank you for your kindness and support.
Corporate Sponsorship
Our valued corporate sponsors help produce and promote our community events, many of which in turn raise much-needed funds for our agency.
We will gladly meet to discuss sponsorship opportunities. For more information, please contact:
Trevor McGregor – Chief Executive Officer
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/ 519-273-1000 ext 223
Bequests/In Memoriam Gifts
You can provide a future bequest or gift to ensure our work goes on when you
remember Community Living Stratford and Area in your will or estate planning.
You may also choose to make a gift to honour and recognize a loved one who
has passed on.
For further information about Bequest or In Memoriam gifts, please contact:
Trevor McGregor – Chief Executive Officer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
/ 519-273-1000 ext 223
The membership process is outlined in our By-Laws, they can be found here: By-Laws January 2023
For more information please contact:
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