agency supporting adults with developmental disabilities
Customized Care for Every Supported Person
Community Living Stratford and Area is committed to person centred planning.
We have a dynamic planning process that utilizes family, friends and paid supports to work together with the person to create a plan that honours wishes, dreams and aspirations.
Each person is supported by a facilitator to be fully engaged in the planning process.
Planning offers hope, a fundamental contributor to the well being of all of us.
Plans are living documents and are reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure that we are responsive to changes that may impact the plan.
Learn more about person centred planning here:
Inclusion offers person centred resources including books, DVDs, workshops and training as well as networking opportunities.
International development, training and consultancy team. They work with people to change their lives, organizations and communities through person centred thinking and planning.
Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network is an organization built on the belief that through networks they can help families provide for peace of mind: in building a safe and connected life for our family and friends with a disability, they create a sense of belonging that has benefits for us all.
David Pitonyak is dedicated to supporting people who experience disabilities and exhibit what some have called "difficult behaviors." Resources, workshops, articles, and stories to help understand and plan with people.
Michael Smull shares the history of Essential Lifestyle Planning using a person centred thinking approach.